
one of my favourite versions of the 'home is where them fuckers ain't' embroidery so far. Beautiful large vintage cloth with burgundy silk thread used for the text. Available here.


The sweetest custom embroidery- a gift from the bride to her groom on their wedding day, with the words they use to tuck in their children at night.
Yellow vintage hanky and navy silk thread.
email intwosandthrees@outlook.com for custom embroideries.

turbo charged

I've been super, super, busy lately.
So many exciting things happening soon.

work in progress

Based on traditional tattoo flash drawings, a dainty hand and flowers embroidery to be framed.
I think I'll keep it just black thread.

all i ever want to say is

A stack of hand stamped mini cards have just been listed here.
New designs too!

embroidered (old/unkown) photographs

Using old/found/unkown photographs in my work is something I've done since my college days, and a style that I always come back to. Recently, the worldwide Etsy craft party was based around stitching onto photos, old or new, and bringing them back to life. As there wasn't a party nearby for me to join in with, I joined through the power of Instagram and posted photos (how ironic?) of my interpretations. I went against the rules though and stitched directly onto the old photos themselves which were a solid card. It's advised that you scan and print a new copy, so as not to loose the original. However, I love the thought of a photo from the 50's (top) and 30's (bottom) being turned into contemporary art with a traditional craft. I've got a box full of old wedding and unkown family photos which I can't wait to alter. 


Instagram @leighjennings

some days are one of those days

The most sugary sweet little doily. Attacked with terrible slang, now sold, soz.

custom stitches

Through the power of Twitter I stitched up this little custom embroidery for a lovely lady.
There's now a million ways to find me and the latest goings-on in the land of Intwosandthrees.
Twitter @intwosandthrees
Instagram @leighjennings
Facebook Intwosandthrees

hidden treasure

"It was as if someone had taken a tiny bead of pure life and decking it as lightly as possible with down and feathers, had set it dancing and zigzagging to show us the true nature of life"
- Virginia Woolf

A very detailed hand embroidered study of a small bird. Black thread on white cotton, framed in a small vintage gold and brown metal frame.
Available here.

we're lost at sea

'i want to be your favourite hello and hardest goodbye'
Another beautiful quote for an equally lovely vintage tray cloth. Hand embroidered and available here.

those with a nervous disposition, please look away

more embroidered swear words, as usual, available here.

charity shop winner

mini wooden weaving loom: £3

velvet poodle postcard, from 1945: 20p

vintage tapestry backpack: £1.95
hand embroidered cherub on velvet £1.50

pink and purple Staffordshire dog: £4.99
I've been super lucky at the local charity shops recently, but to then find a genuine Staffordshire pup, which I've been after for forever as my nanny always had a pair (but couldn't bare parting with £50), for only £4.99?! WINNING. The tapestry backpack is pretty bloody good too.



Another custom pet portrait.
I could make these forever, I love the use of colouring and shading with the stab stitch embroidery technique. I post step-by-step photos of custom pet portraits on my Instagram page @leighjennings

Sadly, just as the customer received this portrait (they lived in America), poor old Bramble had to be put to sleep after 15 years. A perfect little reminder on a sad day.

mini scribbles


Small post-it note sized bits of paper with patterns, notes, scribbles and drawings. I don't know what I'm doing with them, but drawing at this size takes away that stressful feeling of a blank paged sketchbook.