I tend to just re-post my images from Instagram straight onto tumblr (as there's that option on Instagram), so sorry for not updating things on here. Once you view this video, you'll see just why I've been so bloody busy.
I'm over whelmed, incredibly thrilled, shocked, stressed, panicked and confused that so many of you lovely wonderful people should request an embroidered pet portrait. You all have such beautiful pets! In 6 1/2 weeks I managed to make 21 pet portraits. I've only cried 3 times, had a near break down once, thought about giving up twice and only had one needle-thread-thumb accident. I thought that was pretty good going, considering I've never had so many commissions before in my life. Towards the end, which so happened to be Christmas eve, I became so worn down, so poorly, that I really did consider apologising to everyone and considered packing it all in (I've had 10 more pet portrait requests for when I renew the listing on Etsy again - I had to take the listing down in the end to stop people from buying it, requesting them and emailing saying 'please can you not just fit me in', despite my replies being 'I'm so sorry, after scheduling people in, I'm unable to make you a pet portrait in time for Christmas'. People were still contacting me and I was finding it very overwhelming). I'm hoping a well earned break over Christmas, some time to make art work for myself and planning future work including fun stuff like exhibitions and collaborations, I'll be back on track and happy again.
The biggest, most massive thank you to everyone's support. I've not really been doing this embroidery malarkey for very long, it's incredible to see how far I've come, and it's ALL down to you guys.
Merry Christmas, happy new year, and a massive, heart felt thank you.